What is this title that you’re wondering? Well allow me to enlighten you toilet thinkers on what it means to love them chickens and on the side eggs.

The old age question of whether or not the chicken or the egg came first is something that would be debated forever in the future, but not today. For today the myth and legends spoken of this question be dispelled and the truth shines upon your hopeless chicken selves. And what is the answer that you’re wondering that this person has? Well, I’ll tell ya that it won’t be what you would be thinking, so we’ll go with a story that spans the eons of time itself…

chicken face

It started from the time when the supreme being of the universe decided to create the creatures known as the winged beast that can’t fly, yet be able to be vicious enough to endure the hardships that would come their way. So, the supreme being created the basic outlines of such a beast, making sure that its aviator wings would not be able to take flight while in turn giving it a massive nose that also constituted as its mouth a strong piercing ability, and lastly gave the beast legs that had talons that could slice and subdue lesser beings that itself.

moar chickenz

With the design finished, the supreme being had now started to wonder about the paradox, the egg or the beast first? The supreme being had contemplated the results of its design, wondering if it would be best to create the creature out of nothing or to inject it to another beast egg, allowing the natural course of nature to take effect rather than let the beast loose right from the get go. It had contemplated the decision for many eons, but in the end, decided that the best way to go about this was to take both theories and test them out.

confused chick

With the experiment commencing, the egg and the chicken question will now be fully answered, although it turns out that the answer was much more simpler than one would imagine. Because the supreme being had tested out the theories, it would never would have imagined that a third entity would have made the results much more outrageous and downright would make anybody in disbelief. And the results were that a human being had sex with a bird species of unknown variety and had thus made the cock.


True to its name, it was the biggest and greatest cock in the world, which it then went in the wild and thus procreated with other species in order to birth more chickens and eggs into this world. Its adventures would put any sex driven fiend to shame as the earth was populated with its offsprings as it went around and procreated with anything that would have a chance at birthing its children. And that my readers, is the origin of where it all started.

Note: This is all BS and should not be taken seriously.