• white people (I’m one) - goddamn these have to be the worst thing on this planet. You look at them and just want to take your life. They cannot do anything besides make situations awkward, start wars, and enslave everyone. Just stop it.

  • black people - haha

  • stupid fucking kids - yo put that nigga on a leash. These things just fucking run around and do nothing besides piss me off. I will slap your kid 6 feet under if you don’t keep them away from me. And please please actually discipline them and teach them not to scream in public like they’re getting castrated, or they will be.

  • couples getting schwifty in public - actually this one ok, just let me watch

  • people that practice their religion for a day and give up - okay I know beef and pepperoni is tasty af but look you either follow it or you a fucking fake. Make up your mind.

  • niggas playing loud music in public - look son I love music as much as the next nigga but can you please stop playing that nasty rap. And if you play rap, play classics. Stupid ass niggas

  • so much other shit that I’m getting heated writing it, so I’m going to stop here.

  • fat fucking niggas - lose some fucking weight, you ain’t pretty and your heart hates you #shamefatniggas #iaintacceptingyou